the future is vegan. it makes good sense. by making vegan choices, we will...
> feed ourselves and every hungry person on the planet. > protect and use natural resources wisely. > save our farmlands and save family farmers. > revive wild lands and protect wild animals. > reverse environmental damage caused by animal agribusiness. > prevent cancer, heart disease and other diet-related killers. > respect and be kind to all animals. vegan. better. cleaner. smarter. kinder. |
there is a way to build a better world -- a world in which we would all like to live, a world driven by the innate goodness of people and their values of justice, kindness and compassion for other people, for the planet and for animals.
vegan. every day you are invited to make choices. Live your values. change the world. it’s that simple. |
same taste. eco-smart. healthier.
plant-based meats. there are now products that look like meat, taste and mouth-feel exactly like meat, perform in recipes like meat. but this meat is clean, requires a fraction of the land and resources to produce, and it has a better nutritional value -- as much protein, zero cholesterol, and less fat than animal flesh.
"At Beyond Meat, we think of ourselves a little differently. Our sensory experience is not just a substitute; it’s a perfect substitute in every way." |
better product. higher profits. kind.
egg alternatives offer a clean, safe way of delivering the same or better products. they are healthier, with no more worry of salmonella and other egg-born contaminants. longer expiration timelines, no need for refrigeration, and more efficient production and transport result in higher profits. they don't waste resources or pollute the environment with animal waste and they don't require breeding, keeping, and killing billions of chickens -- as the egg industry does.
more choices. no animal residue.
dairy-free is here! and it's taking over the dairy market. melty, stretchy, dairy-free cheese, hard cheeses, creamy ice creams, smooth yogurts, and soothing milks all made from a variety of different plant sources (tapioca, almonds and other nuts, soy, oats, hemp and more) are already available in most major grocery stores.
the same or better taste, eco-smart, animal friendly, with better performance & nutrition, eco-smart, and more profitable. |
better than meat. the perfect meat. |
vegan cupcakes win 'cupcake wars'. |
more calcium. less fat. animal-free. |
“These companies that are taking the animal products [like milk, eggs, chicken, and beef] are actually coming up with a way of using largely plant-based materials [like soy, peas, and a variety of clean proteins] to make foods that are cheaper, more healthy, with less cruelty involved, less green-house gas emission... it's quite a phenomenal thing." |
setting a good example:
almond breeze wholesoy & co. daiya field roast beyond meat beyond eggs so delicious and many more. |
why clean protein makes sense. |
for the people from a life connected |
global food security explained. |
“[This United Nations report stresses that] a global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change." - The Guardian |
imagine a world of clean air, clean water, millions upon millions of acres of replanted forests and flourishing grasslands, thriving oceans teaming with life, and vast expanses of wild lands given back to nature and the wild animals who used to call them home. vegan choices work so that all of this might one day again be the world we all share.
raising animals for food consumes so many resources that making vegan choices is one of the most powerful things you can do as an individual to help save the planet. we've run out of farmable land. animal ag requires 10-20 times the amount of land than is needed to grow food directly for people. because of the wastefulness of animal ag, we are overusing and depleting our precious soil. now, in order to create more farmable land, we are tearing down rain forests. it a recipe for disaster. vegan is the better, sustainable way. |
for the planet from a life connected
making the connection: environment
There will not be enough water available on current croplands to produce food for the expected nine billion population in 2050 if we follow current trends and changes towards diets common in western nations. We will need a new recipe to feed the world in the future... The world’s population explosion means the majority of people will have to turn vegetarian by 2050… ." - Stockholm International Water Institute |
when you make vegan choices, you stand up for the meekest
among us…those who rely entirely on your ability to show compassion. you stand
up for farmed animals and refuse to pay anyone to harm them on your behalf. you
stand up for the millions of wild animals who are displaced and brutally killed
to make room for farmed animals.
each animal has his or her own personality, each with a deep desire to live, each afraid to die, each capable of experiencing pain and fear. what makes animal agribusiness all the more sad and unforgivable is that all this cruelty and killing is completely unnecessary. every single nutrient needed for human health is available from plants. in the vegan future, we will no longer tolerate the abuse and killing of the innocent simply for habit, pleasure, or profit of a few. |
millions of people are taking personal responsibility. they are being the change they want to see in the world. their vegan choices are prolonging and bettering their own lives, easing the burden on the planet, and making a life‐sustaining commitment to future generations.
the world’s top killers -- heart disease and cancer -- are conclusively linked to consuming animal products. vegan choices work to make these diseases a rarity instead of a common occurrence and refuse to contribute to their escalating spread around the world as animal‐based diets are pushed on other countries and upon the poor. together, we'll save billions of dollars on healthcare and eliminate the need for many medications. and individually and in the long-term, by making vegan food choices you will likely save money on healthcare -- and you may even save your own life. overcoming illness is expensive. and your health is priceless. |
"The benefits produced by eating a plant-based diet are far more diverse and impressive than any drug or surgery used in medical practice. Heart diseases, cancers, diabetes, stroke and hypertension, arthritis, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, impotence and all sorts of other chronic diseases can be largely prevented… Additionally… advanced heart disease, relatively advance cancers of certain types, diabetes and a few other degenerative diseases can be reversed by [a vegan] diet... Those in science or medicine who shut their minds to such an idea are being more than stubborn; they are being irresponsible."
- T. Colin Campbell, MD, PhD |
plant-based food choices make diet-related diseases like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes a rarity instead of a common occurrence. we'll reduce healthcare costs both for individuals and for our society. healthier people means lower healthcare costs and lower insurance premiums. AND it means a higher standard of living. |
forks over knives (movie trailer) |
we can easily prevent the top killers "These are the top 15 diseases killing Americans... and a plant-based diet can help prevent nearly ALL of them!" - Michael Greger, MD
what is stock-free (veganic) farming?
making the connection: farming
veganic gardening: how to
to grow food for the world, to care for the land, to work with nature -- farming is a noble profession.
animal agribusiness is systematically destroying the land, small family farms, and our rural communities. animal ag also drives down the prices of grain down, hurting farmers. it encourages monocropping (growing single crops like corn and soybeans year after year to feed farmed animals) which damages the fertility of the earth. veganic agriculture uses far LESS land and other resources to feed farm MORE people. it also frees up land to return it to nature and/or to let it rest and revitalize itself for future planting. feeding more people, providing healthier foods, preserving the land, helping the planet -- veganic farming is the future. |
the future is about staying healthy |